Andrea Akins is currently employed with Raytheon Technologies in the Engineering Discipline as a Process and Metrics Specialist for Integration & Test. Andrea attended the University of Arizona where she studied Humanities and Technology (BA). She has served in various Engineering roles since 2007 where she spent 9 years with Southwest Gas (Tucson, AZ) in the Engineering Department as a Geographic Information Systems Analyst and AutoCAD draftsman. From 2015 to 2019 Andrea was a small business owner and consultant to Engineering companies in the manufacturing sector; she remains passionate about women owned businesses and entrepreneurship. Andrea joined Raytheon in 2019 and is a member of the RISE UP Leadership program (Cohort V), RTX WISE (Women Inspiring Success and Empowerment) and RAIN (RTX Alliance of Indigenous Nations). Andrea served as the FY24 SWE President-Elect, 40th Anniversary Chair and Awards Chair.

Natalia Velez Padua earned her bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina A&T in the Spring of 2021 and is the first female engineering graduate in her family. She is currently pursuing a master of science degree in Cyber Operations. She has held various leadership positions including Vice President of External Affairs, Committee chair and President of several organizations. Through these experiences she has learned how to lead teams, communicate effectively and drive positive change while instilling a deep commitment to community outreach and service. She has witnessed the transformative power of service firsthand by organizing fundraisers, volunteering at local nonprofits, or spearheading awareness campaigns. These experiences have shaped her career path, inspiring her dedication to make a meaningful impact at both professional and personal levels. Natalia recently moved to Tucson from Philadelphia in April 2023. She is excited to bring her passion for leadership, community engagement, and service to SWE Tucson Section where she can continue contributing to positive change and growth while inspiring others to do the same.

Jennifer Renee Davis earned her bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and a certification in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Pima Community College. Jennifer is currently employed by Honeywell Aerospace, Tucson, AZ as a Sr. Advanced Quality Engineer. Previous to that Jennifer spent 13+ years at Caterpillar working in areas of Logistics, Supply Chain, Quality, Prove Design, Configuration, Life Cycle Management, and Supply Collaboration. Jennifer has been a volunteer and supported the SARSEF Science Fair, an advocate and contributor to the United Way Organization, and a Junior Achievement Ambassador. Jennifer joined SWE in 2016 and became actively involved serving in the following roles:

  • Tucson Section Vice President (FY20-FY25)
  • Tucson Networking Committee Chair (FY19-FY23)
  • WE Local Host Committee Seattle FY23
  • WE Local Host Committee San Diego FY20 and Albuquerque (FY21-FY22), serving as chair of the WE Local Awards Committee for SD and SWENext Chair for ABQ.
  • SWE Distinguished Service Award (FY21)
  • SWE Anaheim IIBI Tucson Section Representative (FY19-FY20)

Jennifer spends her free time traveling with her spouse, playing the piano, roller skating, and playing pickleball.

Kyleigh Correll has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from North Dakota State University. After graduating she started at Caterpillar in Peoria, IL in their engineering rotational development program. After completing the program she started working on electrical integration for tracked-type products, after a few years in IL she transferred down to Tucson within Caterpillar to continue growing her career while supporting her soon-to-be husband in dental school. Kyleigh joined SWE in 2017 through her collegiate chapter at NDSU. At her NDSU chapter, she held various positions over the years from Outreach Chair to Secretary to VP of Fundraising. Once she started working professionally in IL she was the communications committee co-chair for 2 years and the secretary for 1 year for the SWE Central Illinois Professional Chapter.

Nicole Lund received her bachelor of science degree in Physics from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and then moved on to the University of Oklahoma to complete a master’s degree in Meteorology, Nicole entered Raytheon’s Rotational Engineering Leadership Development Program, where she worked for Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems in Boston, MA, Raytheon Technical Services Company in Indianapolis, IN and Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson, AZ. After finishing the two-year leadership program, Nicole chose to stay in Tucson and continue working as a Systems Test Engineer until 2020. She then received a certificate in Data Analytics from the University of Arizona and joined Geost as a staff scientist. Nicole joined SWE in 2010 and became actively involved in the local SWE section serving in the following roles:

  • Treasurer (FY17-FY25)
  • President (FY16)
  • Vice President (FY15)
  • Section Representative to Region B (FY14)
  • Relax Unwind and Network (RUN) Dinner Committee Chair

Under Nicole’s leadership as Treasure in FY18, the section established an Endowment Fund with SWE EFI which provides an annual distribution of monies to support SWE Tucson’s operating budget. Nicole was recognized by the Section in FY21 with the Distinguished Service award for her dedicated service to the section leadership team.